Does anyone really watch that stuff, soccer or those other female sports games?
Come on, unless you are a female, insecure and likely a lesbian, you wouldn't. Guys have to be thinking, what the heck, they are nothing but amateurs at best, many boys/men high school better teams would likely out perform them and lets face it they are girls playing girls while trying to mimic and try to act like men.
Haven't really seen one player that looked halfway decent for a female and most look like they may have had a sex change and take male hormones to look more masculine. That one lesbian player was on TV complaining someone made some rude comments about her "wife", another lesbian. Do they have to decide and put it in writing who plays the female "wife" role and who takes charge of the DILDOS", the one who plays the husband role.
Another example how the radical left, socialist/communist democrats have destroyed the moral fiber in this country and how others just go along with this insanity. Sick, I am sure the left who censor everything they don't like on this site will have personal issues with this message and do their commie job and censor this.
The stations that put that garbage on the tube take off quality shows people want to watch. I just switch channels.