Again, I am sure this is another blog the losers of censors will censor so honest intelligent people can't see it and realize they are being screwed.
Bottom line you pay the cost of all the messes California created whether you live in that screwed up state, albeit and beautiful state that the citizens and politicians abused and messed up for decades, they don't deserve it even if you live in another state. In fact California itself pays very little for all the disasters it created for itself and the dollars wasted on give away programs they created but the rest of the country now has to pay for.
Floods, mud slides, shoreline erosion, forest fires and now the cities are burning to the ground which should have been the least likely to see such events. Most of a city is non flammable unlike the middle of a forest with few structures and small clusters of population.
Obviously California citizens and their elected officials, public employees, agencies and worthless legislators didn't give these disasters much consideration if they even understood them at all. They were to busy and occupied with their personal agendas, pet programs, giving handout to those who didn't earn anything so they would vote for them and it's obvious the general population were as ignorant and as greedy as them and their Hollywood Idols who convinced them greed is good and moral decay was the way to go.
Not only is the citizens of the country as a whole paying for their messes, your insurance premiums are sky high no matter where you live in the U.S., several time what it should be for the risk your property really poses because the insurance companies want to make sure they make maximum profits when they shouldn't have either insured those high risk areas or made sure they paid the amount their property demanded. Crooked to the max at all levels.
We need to start electing honest capable legislators and public officials. Hold them accountable. Keep gov't to a minimum and out of our lives. Its obvious like President Reagan said, "Government isn't the solution, Government is the problem." So true. Only those on gov't handouts want more and bigger gov't and higher taxes etc.
Hopefully President Trump will start bringing this about.
Oh, you losers at Thought, stick you, " WAITING FOR APPROVAL" you know where.
a THOUGHT, think I will blog about on my other social sites.